Thursday, October 21, 2004


New addition to the Big Book of Bunkum:

peek-a-booist (n.) one who writes politically-correct bafflegab, gender-neutral claptrap, and user-friendly twaddle for the purpose of such things as enhancing the “transparency” rating of shatter-proof glass institutions, or ensuring the “accountability” of displaced stone-throwers enrolled in a government-funded, alternative career path exploration program designed to meet the growing demands of employers in the increasingly complex and competitive world of digital smoke alarms, telemarketing cube farms, and "smart"-talking vanity mirrors

e.g., The peek-a-booist returned to his high-priority, poppycocking tasks for the day: 1) writing a policy paper on how to manage the growing risk to public health posed by homeless dust bunnies, 2) editing an urgent press release regarding random acts of reverie caused by rogue thermometers, and 3) preparing a minister's briefing note on the status of unexplainable wads of tissue paper hanging from fake tree limbs in the Parliamentary Press Gallery; (apparently an odd farewell gesture but nevertheless esteemed token of misplaced affection left by a visiting Head of State, one Dr. Xamba Q. Dar, a former investment banker, amateur taxidermist, and professional pony player from the little-known Republic of Bling-Bling).

Contributed by: Pocatello Pico-Rivera, M.B.A., Ph.D., School of Public Affairs and Private Peccadillos, The University of Weeds, South Essex